Donate or Volunteer
Donating to Women LISTEN, Inc. helps to support Alaskan women confronting cancer. Your tax-deductible donations are always welcome and can be made through:
Checks made out to Women LISTEN and sent to:
Linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Women LISTEN. This will not impact the rewards you earn from Fred Meyer but it will add to the amount Fred Meyer may donate to us. More information is available on this flier. |
Donating a percent of your purchase price for items you buy on Amazon through the AmazonSmile program. You can access it through: AmazonSmile. |
Donating items for our Wellness Baskets . For more information, please email our basket coordinator. |
If you have any questions about donations, please contact our Donations Coordinator.
Please consider donating your times or talents to our cause. Possible ways to do this are by helping with:
Contact our Basket Coordinator if you'd like to assist. |
If you are interested in helping us with this, please let us know. |
If you have ideas and want to help us, let us know. |
If you would like to volunteer for one of these items or have other talents to offer, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator. |